Why Donate

Some Shocking Statistics

  • Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer deaths worldwide.
  • It kills more Canadians annually than breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers combined.
  • Yet, lung cancer is one of 6 cancers designated as orphan cancers by the Canadian Cancer Society.
  • Breast Cancer accounts for 7% of cancer deaths and receives 22% of research funding, whereas lung cancer accounts for 26% of cancer deaths but receives only 7% of research funding.
  • As many as 25% of lung cancer patients are never smokers. Anyone can get lung cancer. Lung cancer is a disease caused by genetics, exposure to radon, asbestos, air pollution, and smoking.
  • Advancements are handicapped by its vastly inadequate profile and funding, with only 0.1% of cancer donations directed to lung cancer. (CCS)

Revolutionizing lung cancer detection
Recent cancer diagnostic advances help more cancer patients live longer and better lives. Biomarker testing, an advanced diagnostic test, identifies patients eligible for therapies that more precisely and effectively target their tumour cells. As a result, patients experience fewer toxic side effects than conventional therapy.

Sunnybrook is a major lung cancer diagnostic centre in Ontario, with annual testing volumes of about 1,200 lung cancers.  Liquid biopsy is a minimally invasive test that detects fragments of cancer cells (biomarkers) circulating in the bloodstream.

Fundraisers like Crush it with Bev! play a powerful role in bringing the latest technologies, testing and treatments to patients at Sunnybrook to revolutionize lung cancer care.

Four Years of Your Support at Work. Our collective philanthropy assisted Sunnybrook in leveraging funds for heavily used patient care equipment and competing for needed research grants and qualified trainees. We’re having an impact!

In 2024, we’ll support patient care, medical specialist education, and research:
Patient Care – Genetic biomarker testing is the backbone of precision medicine. The Lab’s genetic testing equipment is breaking down frequently due to heavy use. Patient treatment is at risk of delay. Our fundraising will help leverage money from departments relying on this equipment to purchase a replacement Iron Chef and continue their critical patient support.

Education – Sunnybrook attracts medical oncologists, radiation sub-specialists, and pathologist trainees from across Canada and internationally. We’ll support the education of the next generation of Canadian and international specialists.

Research – Sunnybrook specialists will use some funds to collaborate with others in a clinical trial to validate liquid biopsy testing in early-stage lung cancer patients who undergo specialized radiation. Testing blood pre- and post-radiation will assess the validity of this approach and its potential in ongoing patient care.

Previously, your support in 2021 enabled the purchase of an Ion Chef. This specialized tool automates lung cancer biomarker testing for more accuracy and efficiency, allowing Sunnybrook to test tumour samples faster and increase capacity so that more patients receive personalized, precision diagnoses and treatments. The number of biomarker tests done at Sunnybrook increased, and Sunnybrook expanded the number of ON Hospitals (and patients) it served.

In 2022, your donations supported clinical trials and trained the next generation of specialists to advance lung cancer research. A portion helped Sunnybrook obtain the hardware needed to perform Rapid Onsite Cytology Evaluation (ROSE). ROSE allows clinicians to determine whether a biopsy is positive for cancer quickly. Crucially, this decreases the timeline to determine an appropriate course of action for treatment.

In 2023, we supported research into a better diagnostic test, liquid biopsy, a less invasive procedure that results in earlier treatment. The potential of liquid biopsies is huge – less patient risk, earlier treatment decisions, and better patient monitoring/follow-up. It’s a win for lung cancer care.

Sunnybrook receives global recognition as one of the world’s best hospitals
Sunnybrook is once again being recognized for exceptional patient care.
Learn why Sunnybrook is special and how they are inventing the future of healthcare.

Please donate at Bev’s Fundraising Page and you’ll receive a charitable donation receipt for the full amount.

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